Sunday, June 20, 2010

Photo from HAT meeting

Photo taken at HAT meeting, 6.20.10. In photo are (going counter-clockwise from closest person) John, Bob, Richard Larry, Bill, Ron, Jan, Randy, Gail, Marilyn, Herb (legs only), and Barbara. My apology to John and Larry, sitting to the left just outside the camera's field of vision. For more on this meeting see below.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

HAT meeting, 6-20-10

Around 2 pm, Randy Bradley, chapter president, called the meeting to order. I gave the treasurer's report and the membership report. We currently have $1,574. 03 in the treasury and 31 dues-paying members.

Public Affairs Committee chairman, Ron McDaniel, spoke about HB 1001. Bill Dusenberry said he would like to invite area school superintendents to speak to us on the topic of the tyranny of the majority. He said he would have a letter published soon in the Tulsa World. Bill said that soon the Tulsa CoR would have something up on its website regarding writing to area state senators and representatives in hopes of getting them on the record regarding issues of interest to us. One such issue is the question of whether or not a hospital has the right to refuse medical service to patients based upon religion objections.

Marilyn Clarke read an excerpt from 36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction by Rebecca Newberger Goldstein. Goldstein was featured in the May/June 2010 issue of The Humanist magazine.

Today's meeting was marked by a sense of hurriedness in that we had two hours to talk about four hours of business. The items on the last half of the agenda received short shrift. We never got around to New Business, of which I had two items.

There are two things we could do to resolve this problem: (1) hold two membershp meetings a month, or (2) let the Board wrangle over the minutia and present a recommendation to the membership which could then be voted up of down.

We might want to add another item to the agenda: communications. This would be the reporting of communications to the chapter.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Order of Service

JUNE 6, 2010, 11:00 AM

Quiet Music: Edna Works

Announcements: Dan Nerren

Prelude: Edna Works

Chalice Lighting: Joy Avery

Affirmation: Steve Nunn

Opening Hymn: “This Little Light of Mine”

Children’s Story: Rosemary Powell

Children’s Offertory: Rosemary Powell

Welcome: Dan Nerren

Offertory: Dan Nerren

Candle Lighting and Silent Meditation: Mary Rounds

Special Music Selection: Dan Nerren (piano) and Joy Avery (guitar)

Reading: Steve Nunn

Message: Dan Nerren

Closing Hymn: “We Would Be One”

Closing Words: Joy Avery

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

June 2010 Calendar of Activities for Freethinkers

Sat., June 5, 7:00 pm
Movie Night at the Bradleys, 5607 E. 54th St.

Sun., June 6, 11:00 am
Humanist Sunday at Church of the Restoration, 1314 N. Greenwood.

Wed., June 16, 11:20 am
ALGAE luncheon, White River Fish Market, 1708 N. Sheridan.

Sat., June 19, 2 pm
HAT Chapter Meeting at Genealogy Center, 2901 S. Harvard.

Sat., June 26, 11:30 am
Food & Fellowship at Chopsticks, 6193 E. 61st.

Sun., June 27, 1 pm
Tulsa Atheists Meetup, at Agora Coffee House in Fontana Center.

If an Atheists Mid-Month Social is scheduled, I will notify the list of the day and time.

Questions? Call Randy (622-6975) or Dan (798-3629)