Saturday, July 17, 2010

Today's HAT meeting, 7.17.10

The meeting was called to order at 2 pm today by HAT President Randy Bradley. There were eight members present and two visitors.

He immediately gave the floor to Bill Dusenberry to finish remarks left over from last month’s meeting. Bill mentioned that he had attended the AHA Conference last month held in San Jose, CA.

Bill spoke about plans to erect a billboard with assistance of FFRF National. Anyone with suggestions for wording should send them to Randy at his email address: Anyone with a suggestion for a location, should send it to me at We have a few Lamar billboard sites from which to choose. Contact me if you would like to see a list. Bill also said that HAT would give a Gore Award to the politician who did the most to promote (intentionally or otherwise) freethought.

Bill also spoke about two letter writing campaigns: (1) to Jimmy Carter, and (2) to state legislators regarding hospitals. Please, once you have written your letter, let me know and I will update the entry on the HAT blog ( This will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of this effort. Another blog entry will soon go up on the issue regarding hospitals.

Herb announced the resumption of the Humanist Study Group. The next HSG will be held on the second Sunday in August at Herb’s house, 3414 W. 85th Pl. starting at 1:30 pm. Thereafter, the HSG will meet on the second Sunday of each month.

Bill remarked that The Humanist magazine would make a good source of information for the discussions.

Next I reported that we had a membership of 30 members, having just lost Brian Hill. The treasury stands at $1575.06. I brought up our alliance with Church of the Restoration. I mentioned that HAT would be leading the service on August 1, with Steve Nunn delivering the message. A few other slots are still open, and I hope we will have volunteers from HAT to fill those slots. Watch for an e-mail from me regarding this Humanist-led service.

It seems that our business meetings are so filled with business that our time of poetry reading has suffered. I mentioned that there is a group of poetry lovers who meet on the second Friday of the month at Border’s Bookstore on 21st Street, starting at 7 pm. If you would like to engage in the public reading of poetry, this is an opportunity for you.

Next, Ron McDaniel passed out some printed information about State Representative Sally Kern. He wondered about her sincerity. Several people spoke up and said she actually believed what she said. Ron’s talk was interspersed with humor. He finished his talk by saying Jesus was not married and was known to hang out with a bunch of guys.

Next Randy spoke about the book The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails written for former minister John Loftis. Randy said that Loftis explains that some Christians are non-receptive to arguments against Christianity which are based upon exposure to logical contradictions. Sounds like a must read.

We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Dana Swift, our guests at today’s meeting.

These are just the highlights as I saw them from today’s meeting. Feel free to add anything or correct anything by clicking on comments.

Monday, July 05, 2010

July 2010 Calendar of Activities

Sat., July 3, 7:00 pm
Movie Night at the Bradleys, 5607 E. 54th St.

Tues., July 13, 7:00 pm
Tulsa Atheists Mid-Month Social, Campus Grill, 3148 E. 11th St.

Sat., July 17, 2:00 pm
HAT Chapter Meeting at Genealogy Center, 2901 S. Harvard.

Sat., July 24, 11:30 am
Food & Fellowship at Lanna Thai, 7227 S. Memorial.

Sun., July 25, 1:00 pm
Tulsa Atheists Meetup, at Agora Coffee House in Fontana Center.

Fri. & Sat., July 30 and 31
Free Tulsa Music Festival, tabling at. Volunteers needed. Call Kenny Nipp if you can work.

Questions? Call Randy (622-6975) or Dan (798-3629)

Letter Writing Campaign

I will be posting on this page the names of those who have participated in the Letter Writing Campaign regarding the Boy Scouts of America. Presently, we are seeking to persuade former President Jimmy Carter to disaffiliate from BSA. Once you have written your letter to President Carter, please let me know and I will add your name to the list.

Writer ............................................................Month Letter Mailed
Bill Dusenberry................................................ June 2010
Dan Nerren..................................................... July 2010
Richard Maule................................................. July 2010