Saturday, November 17, 2012

Marilyn Clarke to lead Tulsa Humanists in 2013

The November HAT meeting was called to order by Larry Roth shortly after 2 pm on November 17, 2012 at the Genealogy Center, 2901 S Harvard Ave. Seven members were in attendance: Marilyn Clarke, Larry Hochhaus, Richard Maule, Dan Nerren, Larry Roth, Glenn Visher, and one other member who wishes to remain anonymous.

Larry had prepared an agenda. After calling the meeting to order, Larry moved on to item 2: reading, quotes, and quips. I read “Silver Jack,” an anonymous poem written more than a hundred years ago.

Larry told us about plans to bring Stanley Rice to Tulsa in February for Darwin Day. Dr. Rice teaches at Southeast Oklahoma State University in Durant. He has several videos on YouTube. We anticipate having a large group when Dr. Rice gives his presentation as Charles Darwin.

I mentioned that the next Food and Fellowship would be held at Cardigan’s, 6000 S. Lewis, on Saturday, November 24, at 11:30 am. The next meeting of the Progressive Book Group and the Oklahoma Observer Discussion Group will be held in January 2013. Members will be notified by e-mail once the dates are set for these meetings.

We talked about filling the officer positions for 2013. We settled upon this arrangement:

Marilyn Clarke, President

Dan Nerren, Vice-President

Dan Nerren, Secretary

Larry Roth, Treasurer

Marilyn Clarke, Program Director

Next, Richard Maule gave a presentation on a Tulsa Library program called Great Decisions. (GD is a national program which the library is using.) HAT may want to take part in this program or even Church of the Restoration, said Richard. Already Glenn Visher is attending a GD group at All Souls Church. Richard passed around copies of a publication which is used by those taking part. The book can be purchased for around 15 to 20 dollars. An optional video can be had for $35. The book contains the materials for the eight sessions in the GD series.

The next HAT meeting will be held on December 15. Marilyn has another obligation on that date; therefore, as vice-president, I will preside at that meeting.

This has been just the highlights of the meeting. Anyone wishing to add more may do so by leaving a comment.