Monday, November 14, 2005

Reporter Interviews HAT Members

David Schulte, a reporter for the Tulsa World, interviewed five HAT members last Saturday at the Zarrow Library for a story he is working on about non-Christians in the Christmas season. Do we celebrate, and if so, how? Do we exchange gifts? Do we put up a tree in the house? Are we open about our non-belief with our family and coworkers? These are some of the questions we responded to during the interview. The reporter said he would like to observe one of our meetings before having his story ready to run in the paper.

The five HAT members who were interviewed are : Randy Bradley, Bea McCartney, Julia Topi, Marilyn Clarke, and myself. In the hour prior to the interview the Secular Singers worked on some music for the December 18 meeting, which will be held at Randy's house.

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